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Bernard's saying was 'I'm getting a bit creaky', he never thought he had dementia. I don't know about flowers but he was  a gardener and loved trees and shrubs and probably roses. Being a member of three choirs he loved all the songs we sang in the choirs. He so enjoyed going in the taxi to the dementia choir when I could point out all the landmarks on the way. We have always sung in Music for everyone the Open choir and of course the Dementia choir, we have made lovely friends there and loved the different events we attended, Bernard was never nervous when going on stage, we have been in the Burton Joyce players for many years, the dementia choir was the best thing that happened to us that year, being able to do something together which we both enjoyed.  Favourite food : Bernard loved all food especially Greek food, we visited Greece many times and our favourite place is a small Greek island called Lipsi, where we used to stay with my neice Rachel every year, Bernard learnt Greek and German at night school and was very good at it. His hobbies have been many Tennis, cycling , gardening,learning Greek and German,singing and playing the piano and organ for the church for many years. Rugby was another passion he played for his university at Cambridge, he was a good writer too and chemistry was his subject which he taught at the university.

His birthday was 29.11.33, wedding May 22nd 1977, he passed away on 13th February 2020 he was 87years old.

We would like to thank all the team of the Dementia choir for all you do for us in the past and now. it has given us both a lot of pleasure and my special memory will always be the choir singing 'Stand by me' at Bernard's funeral. 

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